On my Canvas: Independence Day 2020 with visionary artist Larissa Davis


Yesterday being the day we celebrate the founding of the United States of America, I was inspired to reflect on the big promise of this country: freedom.

Setting aside arguments and political positions, I feel that the promise of this country is inspired, and still something to which to aspire. And on a personal level, I am committing to freedom in many new ways in my own life.

— I am freeing myself from the ideas and patterns that kept me from being me

— I am committing to freedom of choice and my right to decide the course of my life

— I am freeing myself from fear in all forms

— And I am freely and openly committing to the right of each person on earth to a life of prosperity, sovereignty, freedom, and happiness.

In progress

This reflection on freedom came through painting.

As a little background, in 2017 I began a series of paintings on this same theme which became the triad of Freedom Horses: Freedom: Release, Freedom: Passion (private collection), and Freedom: Joy (private collection).

What emerged on my canvas is a new, smaller-scale series of Freedom Horses (watch their progress below). Why blue horses? I chose blue partly because I was entranced, at the age of 15, by Franz Marc’s Cheval Blue. It is also the color associated with self-expression and the throat chakra.


Freedom Horse Blue: Visionary artist Larissa Davis

40-second video of the new Freedom series in progress.