Taltos Paripa Magical Foal Art by Larissa Davis

Taltos Paripa
36 x 24 x 1.5 • Acrylic on canvas

Taltos Paripa is a magical horse of Hungarian folklore and legend who began life as an outcast but, when fed embers, grew into a magical horse who travels at the speed of thought and heals the world. This portrait is of Taltos, a 5 week old Fresian colt i had the pleasure of getting to know and spend time with.

#selfhealing #selfdoubt #selfempowerment #becomingunstoppable #horseart #intuitition

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    Original acrylic painting 20' x 24" x 1.5", 8 x 10 Art Print, 11 x 14 Art Print, 16 x 20 Art Print, 20 x 24 Art Print