Sea Turtle Dreams
Sometimes dreams are easy to interpret. But a few of the symbols in this dream featuring a baby sea turtle left me scratching my head. What do you think?
The Dream
I am prone on a flatbed truck or trailer which is moving down the road. On my back looking up at the sky I see 2 baby sea turtles flying through the air above me. They move with the air currents, effortlessly. I am aware that these are the last 2 sea turtles of their kind and that they have magical healing powers.
As I watch them in wonder, an air current flips one of the turtles over, or perhaps he took a deliberate dive, and he ends up out of the current and on me. He is the size of a hatchling, and positions himself on my head just at the hairline. There, he begins nibbling at the border where my forehead ends and my hair begins.
Once done there, he moves to my left index finger, performing the same nibbling action on the pad at the tip of the finger. Done on the left, he moves to my right finger. But this time I feel pain, as if a raw wound has been opened and it stings.
Another element of this dream is the appearance of a doctor who is very concerned for me, kneeling at my side. He cares deeply for me, and I love him. I tell him this and he cries because he loves me too but thought I did not love him. He is much older than I am and a romantic relationship was not possible in this lifetime. But I feel his deep love for me and his concern that I be healed. But when I feel that pain in my right finger he acts to protect me, reaching to swipe the turtle away. I stop him, alarmed and fearful for the safety of the turtle.
I lift my hand to see why it hurts. The tip of my right index finger is swollen and bluish. There is a band aid just below the first joint that is extremely tight. The turtle had been trying to release the intense pressure caused by the band aid. I remove the band aid and feel instant relief.
Sea Turtle Symbolism
The turtle represents the part of me that is magical, spiritual, intuitive. It moves with the flow, on the right path, it does not move too fast or too slow, it goes at it’s own pace, there is no rush. Turtles represent longevity, and following your path at your own pace. Because this is a hatchling, it is telling me that I am literally just beginning this journey.
Some of this made sense. The doctor: western medicine. I love it, rely on it, it has helped me. This is also the part of me that is more left-brained, and questions the spiritual and magical. It gets alarmed if the spiritual path seems to be causing me pain, or is not showing visual evidence of working. It wants to revert to the old way of doing things.
The turtle represents the part of me that is magical, spiritual, intuitive. It moves with the flow, on the right path, it does not move too fast or too slow, it goes at it’s own pace, there is no rush. Turtles represent longevity, and following your path at your own pace. Because this is a hatchling, it is telling me that I am literally just beginning this journey, not to rush, to go with the flow. It also tells me there is great vulnerability at this stage of the journey and that I have to protect this magic baby from my old way of thinking, western guy, who is afraid and disbelieving.
The areas of the body seemed very significant, but I needed help with their meanings.
The index finger is ruled by Jupiter, a planet of expansion and opportunity. The right side, which was choked off and swollen, is associated with power, action, construction/destruction and force. It is also connected to the left brain, which is afraid of change, and likes to keeps things as they are (kind of like western dude). So I think this is telling me that my fears are choking me, keeping me from taking action. The answer, of course, is to take that action.
Regarding the hairline I looked at the chinese practice of reading hairlines. A straight hairline, which I have, represents the logical mind. Western dude comes to mind again. And the turtle was working its magic to release the confines of logical thinking so I could fully live my path.
A year later, the sea turtle returned with more messages for me
About a year later the turtle came back into my life, this time telling me it was time to let go of the stories and beliefs and thought patterns that I had taken on (but were not my truth) and start telling my own story. This is the painting I created to remind myself of these important messages my soul sent through the symbol of the sea turtle. Acrylic, 40" x 30" x 1.25"
Sea Turtle Symbolism
Explore the unique, personal meaning and message the sea turtle spirit animal has for you with these three steps.